Does a Trademark Assignment Need to be Notarized

Trademark Assignment Need to be Notarized

The following blog contains notarized information on the assignment of a trademark and why it is necessary. It also mentions the details regarding the assignment of a trademark, its various types and how to register with the Trademark Registrar, prerequisites, and the procedures involved. Read on to find out more

Trademark assignment needs to be notarized: 

The trademark is necessary for a claim on a product or service that an individual, business organization or other such enterprise and entities consider and identify as one of its development and distribution, and therefore feel the need to demarcate the value, availability, and accessibility of the product or set of services from the rest of the market.

It is also very necessary for these business entities and individuals to grow and build their businesses in all directions after registering the trademark for their brand. A brand trademark confers the quality of being unique and popular among the masses, the purpose of which is to appeal. is installed accordingly. A trademark helps a business to be easily recognized among fierce competitors or marketers of products by a person associated with its creativity or recognized as its invention.

Importance of Trademark and Trademark Assignment

The purpose of acquiring a business trademark is essential to make it more recognizable and unique so that once taking advantage of its products or services or both, customers and customers will be able to recognize and like other brands if They can successfully install one. Popular and good brand value. When an individual, business entity, legal organization, etc. Recognizes and grants its claims and rights over a product, design, or any other similar entity by means of a trademark or service mark, and has the full right to sell, transfer, license, charge, or amend it whenever he wants.

Trademarking a business means marking the business with a specific distinctiveness, it also keeps an active check on other businesses and their products or services whether they are fabricating ideas or copying strategies or products, or There are similar implications. , and can take steps to prevent it, and prevent other privacy and property rights violations. When the owner wishes to sell or relinquish the license or ownership to another person, organization or company, he shall act as an assignor who has the authority to provide, in part, wholly, with or without the business and trademarks. Goodwill

Assignment of a trademark helps the current owner, who licenses and transfers the interests of the business and hence the trademark, to the brand name and value by selling the ownership or ownership, for a good price, to someone who is taxed. After that, be a skilled handler of the same. The rates of assignment of the trademark should be discussed with the assignee in advance, and the assignee should proceed with due consideration for the amount that the concerned entity, business, entity, enterprise, or legal organization deems appropriate for the assignment of the trademark.

Prior to the assignment of the trademark, the assignor, currently, the owner of the license as well as ownership of the business, can sell, like any other sale, the title of interest and even the ownership of the business, Can buy, transfer. Assignment of Trademark is processed to the Assignee, conditional or without the clause, at a predetermined rate and legal process (with or without assignment in good faith).

The Registrar has the provision for both the assignee and the assignee to apply for the assignment of a trademark simultaneously. This results in the issue of Form TM-P. Form TM-P must be issued within six months after the trademark assignment is substituted.

The registrar files the form TM-P and takes it from there. However, the Proprietor or the assignor must be sure of the unconditional surrender of his or her partial or entire business interests under the Trademark Assignment. They should enter litigation processes only after they are sure of the interests and titles involved in a normal trademark assignment.

Notarisation of the Trademark Assignment

To whom the ownership of the trademark and the property, interests, and license of the business is entrusted, or the assignee (in accordance with section (2)(1), the Trademark Act, 1999), may control and manufacture an existing brand, and thereby profit from Search.

A written agreement helps to settle any dispute, in furtherance of the assignment of a trademark, be it in the near future or the coming years, as both expand their businesses.

As one of the most integral steps in the assignment of a trademark, which takes place between two parties (individual/group/organization or business), the evidence that leads to a legal agreement is enriched with consequences, if any Even if the party fails to accept the deal, the signing in the event of an adverse event is called a notary. Notarizing a document (marriage, taxes, important legal agreements such as buying and selling property, etc.) is required and essentially takes place in the presence of witnesses.

Notarizing a trademark assignment may require certain required documents while initiating legal proceedings, as the ownership rights of the business, including the trademark, are transferred to the assignee.

The assignee is expected to submit a notarized document, mandatorily an affidavit proving his true and honest ownership of the Trademark, before passing it on to the concerned assignee. The other required document is a NOC or NO Objection Certificate issued by the assigning party or agency to discourage any speculation of opposition or objection to the party or contracts mentioned by the certification.

Notarization of the assignment of a trademark is also paramount if the trademark and business symbol are to be registered in a foreign country. Notarization allows for highly specific details about the legal process of transferring ownership to the other party and building on a plethora of business results if an already existing brand name was taken advantage of.

It discusses legal successor rights, such as using the brand name only for products that were sold prior to the license and transfer of ownership. Certain assignees are not permitted to include the sale of any new product type under the name of a brand that has been promoted because of the sale of a certain type of product. 


Assignment of a trademark is a highly legal process involving interests, titles, strategies, the business of the brand receiving the trademark, licensing to the assignee party who is expected to handle the business, and so on. By law, the assignor has to comply with certain required laws that involve the transfer of all duties, licenses, and titles to the new company.

The requirement to notarize the assignment of a trademark is necessary to produce a valid testimony of the same and to reinforce the legally binding nature of the form signed and notarized at the office of the Registrar of Trademark Assignment. You can take the help of Legaltax to know more about this topic.

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