Difference Between ISO 9001 vs 9002

Difference Between ISO 9001 vs 9002

The Word ISO which we use for the ISO standards is its short form of International Organization for Standardization which is a non-government organization that builds standards for the welfare of the society and the people which are common. The standard is its documents published by the Organization of ISO and it consists of some guidelines and the rules which have to be followed by the Organization who are applying for an ISO Certification in India of the particular standard.

All the up growing small and large organizations who aim to better the quality of their products and get more benefits than they should apply for the ISO Certification in India. So entrepreneurs should understand the guidelines of the particular certification that they are applying for. There is some difference in all the ISO Standards and the public don’t understand about these. Some people don’t know about The Difference Between ISO 9001 vs ISO 9002 standards. So, in this blog we will briefly discuss the difference among the two standards.

We should Know “What Is ISO 9001 Standard?

ISO 9001 Standard shows the guidelines for the Quality Management System which is required to be achieved when a good service or a product Is being given to the customer. In this standard the main focus is on the satisfaction of customers that is done by creating good products and services. This standard also supports minimizing the charge of the products without avoiding the product quality. ISO 9001:2015 is the current version of the ISO 9001 standard which is the Most famous ISO Certification in global level. So the people who want to practice the guidelines of the ISO 9001 Certification should be eligible to apply for the ISO Certification in India. This is the most trusted certification on a global level and all people trust this standard. And the organization that has applied for the certification can also scale its products in foreign countries.

Benefits of Getting an ISO 9001 Certification

There are many benefits of getting an 9001 Certification but the most Important benefits of ISO 9001 Certification in India is confirmed by the International Organization for Standardization in a Case Studies Series by examining how companies benefited by ISO 9001 in more than 20 countries worldwide.

These are some main benefits of it:

  • It Betters the Customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • More competent and happy employees
  • Better quality of provided Products and services
  • Increased efficiency, less wasted time and fewer mistakes
  • Reduces the overall risk

What Is ISO 9002 Standard?

ISO 9002 standard is a standard that is also a part of the family of ISO 9000 and in this family, there are many types of ISO Certification such as ISO 9001 and 9002, etc. It is displayed as a model for Quality assurance in the production, installation and services of the products. It almost consists of all the same guidelines of the ISO 9001 Certification but it does not contain the creation of new products.

Benefits of Getting an ISO 9002 Certification

There are many benefits of getting an ISO 9002 Certification but the most Important benefits of ISO 9002 Certification in India is confirmed by the International Organization for Standardization in a Case Studies Series by examining how companies benefited by ISO 9002,

These are some main benefits of it:

  • It Helps companies to ensure that their products and services are relevant for the customer requirements and regulatory requirements.
  • It describes the quality management system of your company among the public
  • It is a technical specification that gives additional advice on how to meet the requirements of ISO 9001.
  • It is also a Family of ISO 9000 but because of the Updated version ISO 9001 The version of ISO 9002 gets outdated.

Also, Read

Types of ISO Certification in India

The Difference Between ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 certification?

The ISO 9001:2015 is the most recent and upgraded version of the family of ISO 9000, when we find differences with ISO 9002 standard. The Difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 certification is that:

  • ISO 9001 has the main guidelines for Quality Assurance in design, installation, and production. And,

ISO 9002 has the regulations for Quality Assurance in production, servicing, and installation.

  • The ISO 9001 standard is the most newest version of the International Standards in comparison of  ISO 9002
  • Hence ISO 9001 fixes the needs for an organization where the business running range from designs and development, to the production, installation and servicing,

Whereas ISO 9002 is eligible for those organizations where they do not care on designing and development of the products, as it does not contain the design control needs of ISO 9001.

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