Trademark Class 13 – For Firearms and Explosives

trademark class 13

Trademark Class 13: Firearms and Explosives

TRADEMARK: A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.

Trademark Classification

Trademark has a total of 45 classes and The manufacture of goods and services are grouped into different classes. Each class requires a different registration. This is a classification of almost 80,000 products and services and is divided into two sections – Classes for Goods & Classes of Services.

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In this article, we will discuss Trademark Class 13

Trademark Class 13

Trademarks must be applied or registered under classes and each class represents a distinct class of goods or services. In this post, we comprehensively cover the goods which fall under Class 13 of trademark classification. As per the NICE classification heading for class 13 includes class 13 comes under the classes of goods.

Types of goods come under Trademark Class 13

  • Firearms
  • Ammunition and projectiles
  • Explosives
  • Fireworks

Types of goods that do not come under Trademark Class 13

  • Matches

List of Goods Under Trademark Class 13

S NoGoods in TM Class List 13
1Actuators being parts of weapons
3Actuators being parts of weapon ejecting installations
4Actuators being parts of weapon-loading installations
5Aerial bombs
6Air gun pellets
7Aiming sights [other than telescopic]
8Aiming mirrors for rifles
9Air guns
10Air guns [weapons]
11Air pistol bullets
12Air pistols [air guns]
13Air pistols [weapons]
14Air pistol slugs
15Air-to-surfaces missiles
16Ammonium nitrate explosives
18Air shot
19Air-to-air missiles
20Ammunition and projectiles
21Ammunition for guns
22Ammunition for firearms
23Ammunition bags
24Ammunition casings
25 Anti-aircraft guns
26Ammunition wagons
27Anti-tank mines
28Ammunition hoists
29Anti-submarine torpedoes fitted with warheads
30Apparatus for filling cartridge belts
32Armaments installations
33Armor-piercing projectiles
34Armor-piercing shells
35Armored turrets
36Armor-piercing incendiary projectiles
37Armor-piercing incendiary projectiles for use by aircraft
38Armor-piercing projectiles
39Armor-piercing projectiles for use by aircraft
41Artillery guns
42  Artillery guns [cannons]
43Automatic carbines
44Artillery pieces
45Automatic revolvers
46Automatic pistols
47Automatic guns
48Automatic firearm ammunition belts
49Bags for storing firearms [specifically adapted]
50Ballistic missiles
51Automatic rifles
52Bags specially adapted to hold rifles
53Ballistic weapons
54Bandoliers for holding cartridges and ammunition cases
55Bandoliers for weapons
56Barrel reflectors for firearms
57Barrels for cannons
58BB guns
59Barrels (Rifle -)
60Belts adapted for ammunition
61Barrels (Gun -)
62Bengal lights
63Bengal lights [fireworks]
64Bipods for firearms
65Black powder
66Blasting cap protectors
67Blank cartridges
68Blank cartridge shells
69Blasting explosives
70Blasting compounds
71Blasting paper
72Blasting gelatin
73Blasting caps
74Bomb releasers
75Blasting powder
76Breach boxes for guns
79Bullet extractors
80Bullet molds
81Breeches of firearms
82Butt plates for pistols
83Butt plates for rifles
84Butt plates for firearms
85Butts for small arms
86Bullets for use with rifles
87Cannon carriages [artillery]
88Butt plates for shotguns
89Cannon tubes
91Cannons [artillery guns]
92Carrying cases adapted for firearms
93Cartridge case receivers for automatic firearms
94Cartridge belts
95Cartridge belts (Apparatus for filling -)
97Cartridge case extractors
98Cartridge belt-filling machines
99Cartridge filters
100Cartridge cases
101Cartridge dies
102Cartridge loading apparatus
103Cartridge case receivers for semi-automatic firearms
104Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in decoy
105Cartridge shot pouches
106Cartridge pouches
108Cartridges containing flares
109Cartridge magazines for firearms
110Cartridges containing smoke
111Cartridges containing reflective materials for radio blocking
112Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in weapon installations
113Cartridges containing reflective materials for radar blocking
114Cartridges for gunpowder
115Cartridges for pyrotechnic products
116Cartridges for firearms
117Cases for rifles
118Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in defense
119Cases for pistols
120Cases for guns
121Cases for large-size ammunition
122Cartridges for guns
123Cases (Gun -)
124Cases (Rifle -)
125Chemical-based personal security sprays
126Cleaning brushes for firearms
127Cleaning implements for firearms
128Component parts for shotguns
129Containers for launching weapons
130Component parts for guns
131Conducted electrical weapons (CEW)
132Combination pistols and rifles
133Component parts for machine guns
134Component parts for rifles
135Combination holster and ammunition magazine pouch
136Component parts for pistols
137Component parts for revolvers
138Containers for storing weapons
139Cleaning rods for firearms
140Crossbows [weapons]
141Covers for firearms
142Covers for rifles
143Cotton (Gun -)
144Cruise missiles
145Conventional air-delivered weapons
146Depth charges
147Explosive cartridges
148Detonating fuses for explosives
150Detonating caps other than toys
152Detonating caps, other than toys
153Electric blasting caps
154Detonating plugs
155Detonating caps
156Detonating relays for use with detonators
158Detonation devices for blasting underwater mines
159Electromagnetic pulse weapons
160Electronic detonators
161Explosion primers
162Explosive caps
163Explosive cutting charge
164Explosive devices
165Explosive primers
166Explosive harpoon guns [weapons]
167Explosive powders
168Explosive devices for minefield breaching
169Explosive signals
170Explosive devices for minefield clearance
171Explosive devices for minefield breaching and minefield clearance
172Explosive fuses used in mining
173Explosive products
174Explosive shells
175Explosive substances
176Explosive substances and devices, other than arms
177Explosive torpedoes
179Explosives for use in bombs
180Explosives powders
181Extractors for broken shells
182Field guns
183Firearm bipods
184Firearm magazine speedloaders
185Firearm monopods
186Firearm stands
188Firearms (Ammunition for -)
189Firearms (Cleaning brushes for -)
191Fireworks in shell forms
193Fireworks bodies
194Firing lanyards for explosives
195Firework fountains
196Firing lanyards for explosives
197Fog signal explosives
198Flamethrowers [weapons]
199Firing platforms [weapons]
200Fog signals, explosive
201Flares [pyrotechnic]
202Fortress guns
203Fowling pieces
204Flare pistols
205Fuses for blasting
206Fuses for explosives
207Fuses for explosives, for use in mines
208Gas bombs [weapon]
209Grenade launchers
210Gelatinous explosives
211Granular explosives
213Gas weapons (Tear -)
214Guided artillery projectiles
215Guided bombs
216Grips for small arms
217Guided missiles
218Guided projectiles
219Guided mortar bombs
220Guided rockets
221Gun barrels
222Guided weapons
223Gun belts
224Gun butts
225Gun bags [specifically adapted]
226Gun carriages
227Gun carriages [artillery]
228Gun cartridge magazines
229Gun cartridges
230Gun cases
231Gun cleaning brushes
232Gun limbers
233Gun cotton
234Gun mounts
235Gun locks
236Gun-cleaning decappers
237Gun stocks
238Gun scabbards
239Gun sights for firearms [not optical or telescopic]
240Gun parts
242Gun turret shields
243Gun wads
244Gun turret base plates
245Guns (Hammers for -)
246Guns (Artillery -) [cannons]
249Guns (Sighting mirrors for -)
250Guns (Noise-suppressors for -)
251Guns [weapons]
252Guns (Harpoon -) [weapons]
253Gunstock recoil pads
255Hammers for guns
256Hammers for guns and rifles
257Hammers for rifles
258Hand flamethrowers [weapons]
259Hand flares
260Hand grenades
261Hand torpedoes
262Handles for revolvers
263Harpoon guns [weapons]
264Handles for pistols
265Holsters for guns
266Holders, holsters, magazines, and cartridges, for weapons and ammunition
267Heavy guns
269Holders for ammunition
270Hunting rifles [sporting rifles]
271Horns (Powder -)
272Hunting gun cartridges
273Hunting firearms
275Illuminating projectiles
277Hunting rifles [sporting rifles]
278Launchers for rockets
279Infrared defense rocket warheads
280Initiating explosives
281Javelins [weapons]
282Incendiary cartridges
283Launchers for missiles
284Lachrymatory gas weapons
285Launchers for missiles [weapons]
286Lance rockets
287Launchers for projectiles
288Launchers for ammunition
289Lead shot for hunting
290Liquid explosives
291Lead shot
292Launchers for pyrotechnic purposes
293Loaded cartridge magazines for firearms
294Loading clips for pistols
295Loading clips for small arms
296Long-range artillery guns
297Luminous explosive fog signals
298Machine gun cartridges
299Machine gun chargers
300Magazines for weapons
301Magazines for firearms
302Machine gun turrets
303Medium caliber ammunition
304Marine pyrotechnics [flares]
305Machine guns
306Miners’ squibs
307Military rifles
308Military pyrotechnics
309Mines [explosives]
310Mortar shells
311Missiles (Ballistic -)
312Mirrors (Sighting -) for guns and rifles
313Mobile gun mounts
315Mortars being firearms
316Multi-munition stand-off bombs
317Mortars [weapons]
318Mortars [firearms]
319Motorized weapons
320Motorized weapons
323Muzzle compensators
324Munition dispensers
325Muzzles for guns [weapons]
326Naval guns
327Naval gunfire predictors
328Naval anti-submarine torpedo carrier systems
329Nitrocellulose explosives
330Nitrocellulose (Acetyl -)
331Nitrating liquids used as explosives
332Nitrated gun cotton [explosives]
333Nitrated gun cotton
334Nitroglycerine shells
335Nitrostarch explosives
336Nitrate of ammonia explosives
337Non-optical sights
338Noise suppressors for guns
339Non-telescopic sights
340Noise-suppressors for guns
341Oil well shooting explosives
342Open sights for use on firearms
343Organic-nitrate explosives
344Percussion caps
345Pellet guns
346Pepper sprays
347Pepper spray
348Percussion caps other than toys
349Percussion caps, other than toys
350Pellets [ammunition]
351Pistol butts
353Pistol cases
354Pistols [arms]
355Pistol caps
356Pistols [firearms]
357Pistol grips
358Pistol pellets
259Pistol holsters
360Pistols (Starters -)
361Placement machine guns
362Platforms (Firing -)
363Powder horns
364Pneumatic catapults for firing missiles
365Pouches (Cartridge -)
366Powder flasks for firearms
367Plugs (Detonating -)
368Primed shells
369Powders (Explosive -)
370Powder train fuses
371Primers for explosives
372Primers for pyrotechnic devices
373Projecting apparatus for missiles
374Primings [fuses]
375Projecting apparatus for bombs
377Projectiles [weapons]
378Projectiles for weapons
379Protective shields adapted for firearms
380Protective cases adapted for firearms
381Propelling pyrotechnic mixtures for ammunition
382Projecting apparatus for grenades
383Pull-throughs for small arms
384Pyrotechnic distress flares
385Pyrotechnic articles
386Pyrotechnic ammunition
387Pyrotechnic charges
388Pyrophoric substances
389Pyrotechnic gas generators
390Pyrotechnic missiles
391Pyrotechnic products
392Pyrotechnic gas actuators
393Pyrotechnic thrust generators for steering airborne weapons
394Pyrotechnical interrupters
397Radar jamming warheads
398Radio-controlled miniature aerial targets for military use
399Recoil pads
400Recoilless guns
401Rescue flares, explosive or pyrotechnic
402Rescue flares, explosives or pyrotechnical
404Rifle ammunition
405Rifle barrels
406Rifle cases
407Rifle cartridges
408Rifle cocks
409Rifle sheaths
410Rifle covers
411Rifle slings
412Rocket artillery projectiles
413Rifle stocks
414Rifles (Trigger guards for -)
416Rifle straps
417Rifles (Sighting mirrors for -)
418Rocket launchers
419Rifles (Hammers for -)
421Rocket-propelled ballistic missiles
422Rocket mortars
423Rockets [projectiles]
424Rockets (Signal -)
425Roman candles
426Sea mines
427Self-propelled weapons
428Shaped charges [explosives]
429Sheaths for rifles
430Safety catches for firearms
431Shell belts
432Shell cases
433Shell wads
434Shell bodies
435Shell casings
436Shells for large-size ammunition
437Shells [projectiles]
438Shot belts
439Ship-to-air missiles
440Shields for gun carriages
441Shot for hunting (Lead -)
442Shot (Lead -) for firearms
443Shot for gun cartridges
444Shotgun ammunition
446Shot pouches
447Shotgun Shotguns
448Shotgun powder
449Shotgun cartridges
450Sight protectors for firearms
451Shoulder straps for arms
452Siege guns
453Side arms [firearms]
454Shoulder straps for weapons
455Sighting devices for firearms [other than telescopic]
456Sighting mirrors for guns and rifles
457Sighting mirrors for guns
458Sighting mirrors for rifles
459Sights for firearms [other than telescopic]
460Sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms
461Signal rocket flares
462Sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery
463Signal rockets
464Signal fires
465Silencers for guns
466Silencers for firearms
467Signaling flares
468Small arms
469Slingshots [weapons]
470Sling straps for firearms
471Small arms ammunition
473Smoke missiles for tanks
474Small bore firearms
475Small arms [firearms]
476Smoke missiles for armored vehicles
477Smoke detonators
478Smoke projectiles
479Smoke missiles for armored vehicles and tanks
480Sparklers [fireworks]
481Sporting cartridges
482Smoke projectiles for torpedo tube artillery
483Sporting guns
484Sporting firearms
485Sporting rifles
486Sprays for personal defense purposes
487Smoke projectiles for rockets
488Sprays for personal defense purposes
489Stands for firearms
490Starter pistols
491Spring-activated spearguns [weapons]
493Starting pistols
494Stocks (Gun -)
495Steel shot
496Submachine guns
497Stun guns
498Supplemental chambers for firearms
499Targets for military use
500Tanks [weapons]
501Tools for loading weapons
503Tear gas weapons
505Trench guns
506Trigger guards for guns and rifles
507Trigger guards for rifles
508Trunnions for heavy weapons
509Tripods for firearms
510Turrets (Gun -)
511Tumblers [parts of gunlocks]
512Unmanned remote-controlled powered aircraft for use as military targets
513Underwater mines
514Wad cutters
515Weapon installations
516Weapon apparatus
517Weapon systems
518Weapon cartridges for use with liquid nitrogen
520Weapon cases for firearms
521Weapons and ammunition
522Weapons for launching projectiles
523Weapons for launching missiles and projectiles
524Weapons for launching missiles

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