Trademark Class List For Building Materials (Non-Metallic)
Trademark class 19 related to building materials (non-metallic); Non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch, and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal
A complete guide to class 19 of the Trademark filing classification. Trademarks must be applied or registered under classes and each class represents a distinct class of goods or services. In this post, we completely define the goods which fall under class 19 of trademark classification.
Trademark class 19
List of goods is classified under Trademark class 19
List of goods not classified under Class 19
For Trademark registration or Trademark search in India, visit Legaltax
Comprehensive Goods in Trademark Class List 19
Related Trademark Classes
- Trademark Class 2: Paints and Varnishes
- Trademark Class 3: Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
- Trademark Class 4: Fuel, Oils, and illuminants
- Trademark Class 5: Pharmaceutical Products
- Trademark Class 6: Metal Goods and Hardware Items
- Trademark Class 7 – For Machines and Machine Tools
- Trademark Class 8 – For Hand Tools and Implements
- Trademark Class 9: Computer, Software, and Electronic Devices
- Trademark Class 10: Medical and Surgical Instruments
- Trademark Class 11 – For Apparatus for lighting and heating
- Trademark Class 12 – For Vehicle and Vehicle Parts
- Trademark Class 13 – For Firearms and Explosives
- Trademark Class 14: Jewellery, Precious Metals, and Stones
- Trademark Class 15 – for musical instruments
- Trademark Class 16: For Paper, Books, and Office Stationery
- Trademark Class 17: Rubber, Asbestos, and Mica
- Trademark Class 18: Leather and Leather Imitations
- Trademark Class 19: for building materials
- Trademark Class 20 – Furniture, Mirrors, Picture Frames
- Trademark Class 22: Ropes Sacks and Bags
- Trademark Class 23: Yarns and Threads
- Trademark Class 24: For Textiles and Textile Goods
- Trademark Class 37: Building Construction and Repairs