
Signature Certificate

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How to Start Digital Signature Certificate



Digital Signature Certificate is a digital key which is secure (USB e-token) which is issued by certain certifying authorities who validate and verify the identity or detail of the person holding this digital signature certificate. Public encryption key is being used to create the signatures and signature is being saved in digital format.

Digital Signature Certificate stores information regarding the user’s name, country, email address, pin code, certifying authority name, date of issuance of the certificate.

Importance of Digital Signature Certificate

When is Digital Signature is required?


Who require a Digital Signature Certificate?

MCA has mandated Digital Signature for the following


Digital Signature Certificate Classes

Certifying authorities issue three types of Digital Signature Certificates:

  1. Class 1 DSC: Class 1 DSC is basically for individual subscribers or issued to individual subscribers and it is used to confirm that the user name and email contact detail of the subject lie within the database of the authority who have issue the digital signature certificate.

  2. Class 2 DSC: Class 2 DSC is basically for the director and the signatory authority of the companies for e filing with the Registrar of the Companies (ROC). Class 2 DSC is important for the individual who have to sign documents manually while return filing with ROC. Recently from 1st Jan 2021, the Controller of Certifying Authority has instructed or given the guideline to discontinue Class 2 DSC. From now, Class 3 DSC will be issued in place of Class 3 DSC.

  3. Class 3 DSC: Class 3 DSC is issued basically to the Directors/authorized signatories of Companies, Professional etc., for digitally signing the document. The vendors who are involved in online tenders also must have a Class 3 DSC.

Documents Required for Digital Signature Certificate, Dsc (Individual)

  • Passport Size photo

  • PAN Card

  • Aadhar Card

  • Mobile number

  • Email Address

Mandatory Documents Required for Issuance of Dsc for Authorized Signatory (Organization)

With GST Verification

Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card
Authorized Signatory letter. GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/Bank statement Authorized Signatory letter. Authorized Signatory letter. Authorized Signatory letter. Authorized Signatory letter
Partnership deed Partnership deed Signatory list Signatory list Signatory list
Authorizing person signed id proof Authorizing person signed id proof Authori zing person signed id proof Authorizing person signed id proof Authorizing person signed id proof
GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/Bank statement GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/ Bank stateme nt GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/ Bank stateme nt GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/Bank statement GSTR 3b filing copy not older than 3 months/Bank statement

Without Gst Verification

Applica nt PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applica nt PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card Applicant PAN Card/Aadhar Card
Authorized Signatory letter. Organization Bank Statement Authorized Signatory letter/Board resolution Authorized Signatory letter/Board resolution Authorized Signatory letter/Board resolution Authorized Signatory letter/Board resolution
Organization Bank Statemen Organization registration copy Organization Bank Statement Organization Bank Statement Organization Bank Statement Organization Bank Statement
Organization registration copy Certificate of incorpor ation Organization registration copy Organization registration copy Certificate of incorporation
Organization PAN Card Organization PAN card Organization PAN card Organization PAN card Organization PAN card
Partnership deed MCA Signatory list Signatory member list Signatory member list MCA Signatory list
Authorizing person signed id proof Authorizing person sign id proof Authorizing person sign id proof Authorizing person sign id proof Authorizing person sign id proof

Benefits of Digital Signature Certificate

Time Taken for the Issuance of Dsc and Cost

It hardly take around 1-2 days for the issuance of digital signature certificate.

For individual, the cost of obtaining DSC is Rs. 1500/- only, and the cost for obtaining DSC for the authorized signatory is 2500/-.

Why Legaltax?


The process to add DSC in Trademark Application is as follows:
  • Add to trusted websites on your internet browser
  • Visit
  • Click on the ‘New User? Sign Up’ option
  • Procure a class III or II digital signature from any of the Indian Certifying Authorities and install the same on your computer
  • Download and install the Signing Component as per the instructions given in the ‘Digital Signature Manual’
  • Click ‘Proceed for Registration’
  • Fill in the necessary details in the next step
  • After which you will be allowed to sign the application with a digital signature certificate. The Installation of or registration of capicom.dll (Signing Component) varies according to your computer’s Windows bit version. To check your windows bit version, right-click on My Computer and choose property. The bit version of your computer will be displayed.

To apply under the online trademark application system, you must have a valid digital signature certificate, as the Information Technology (IT) Act of 2000 requires the use of digital signatures on electronic documents to ensure its legitimacy and privacy. Obtaining a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is a must under the e-filing system. As a result, before registering a trademark, it is advised that one must obtain/have a Class 3 DSC.

There are several advantages that come along with the usage of a DSC but the most important ones include:

  • High level of security since it is encrypted.

  • It can be verified and is unalterable.

  • It advances more conviction and confidence amongst the users.

  • Privacy and protection are achieved while exchanging confidential information on the internet.

  • Establishes ownership of domain.

  • Digital signature certificates are legally valid.

  • Digital Signature Certificate save time during e-filing and are also economical.

  • Digital Signature Certificate reduces the risk of duplication or alteration of the document itself.

Legaltax can help you obtain a valid digital signature certificate to meet your e-filing needs, as well as check trademark availability at the professional level. Our team of experts will also safeguard your company’s identity and logo by registering it as a trademark, preventing others from using it illegally without authorization.

Yes, a document can have multiple Digital Signatures.

A Digital Signature Certificate authenticates your identity electronically. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by ensuring absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a Digital Signature Certificate.

Uses of digital signatures are:

  • Integrity

  • Authentication

  • Non-repudiation

So, technically speaking the difference between a digital signature and digital certificate is that a certificate binds a digital signature to an entity, whereas a digital signature is to ensure that a data/information remain secure from the point it was issued.

A copy of the complaint is to be given to the RCC Admin within 24 hours of the employees reporting the loss to prevent unauthorized usage of DSC. The User, who has lost/misplaced his token will not be able to sign any document in the ITBA/HRMS application. Officer will re-apply in ITBA for new DSC.

The Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) has established the Root Certifying Authority (RCAI) of India under section 18(b) of the IT Act to digitally sign the public keys of Certifying Authorities (CA) in the country. The RCAI is operated as per the standards laid down under the Act.

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Types of Government Registrations


  • Recommended For
  • Ease of Accommodating Investment
  • Limited Liability Protection
  • Tax Advantages
  • Perpetual Existence
  • Statutory Compliances

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